Accompanying evaluation of the project "Healthy Districts – Healthy City: Community Health Promotion in the City of Graz"


Diversity Consult Network

Working areas
Project role


The City of Graz together with the consulting agency Diversity Consult Network initiated the project, which builds on experience gained within the pilot project “Healthy district Gries”. It aims at implementing health promotion as a cross sectoral topic in the government of the City of Graz as well as in other districts.

Implementation of the evaluation

queraum. cultural and social research was given the task to carry out an accompanying evaluation of the project.

The evaluation focuses on the structural framework conditions and results of networking activities with relevant stakeholders, participants and policy makers. Furthermore, we will consider the question whether the project team succeeded in implementing health promotion as a cross sectoral topic within the government of the city of Graz.

The evaluation methodology comprises both quantitative and qualitative tools, such as face-to-face meetings, focus groups and a continuous monitoring.

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